Sunday Bible Class 9:00am
Sunday Worship 10:00am
Sunday Worship 1:00pm
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm
Weekly ladies’ Bible Class taught by Bill Cantrell. They will be studying Ephesians this year.
The East Huntsville Church of Christ will be hosting the next Prayer Service for the Nation. Everyone is encouraged to be here for this prayer service.
Weekly ladies’ Bible Class taught by Bill Cantrell. They will be studying Ephesians this year.
Weekly ladies’ Bible Class taught by Bill Cantrell. They will be studying Ephesians this year.
Weekly ladies’ Bible Class taught by Bill Cantrell. They will be studying Ephesians this year.
Weekly ladies’ Bible Class taught by Bill Cantrell. They will be studying Ephesians this year.
Ladies bring your favorite finger food and an ornament to exchange.
Weekly ladies’ Bible Class taught by Bill Cantrell. They will be studying Ephesians this year.
We will be putting together fruit baskets for the sick and shut-ins of our congregation after the 1:00 PM worship service.
Weekly ladies’ Bible Class taught by Bill Cantrell. They will be studying Ephesians this year.